Spirit Breaker is a melee character. His primary attribute is strength. The hero is mainly taken as a hardlaner. Most effective in the mid game.
Spirit Breaker is a very mobile hero. His main feature is his frequent and sudden attacks that he makes using his Charge of Darkness ability. In combination with Greater Bash, this ability doesn’t allow an enemy to escape. Bulldoze provides the hero with spell resistance, which makes him a good frontlaner. Nether Strike gives Spirit Breaker another control ability. Buying Aghanim's Shard grants the Planar Pocket ability, which is useful against opponents with target spells. Aghanim's Scepter upgrades Charge of Darkness allowing the character to initiate fights more often.
Barathrum is a lordly and powerful being with a fierce and elemental intelligence, which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home. Barathrum created a body that could serve him both in our world and beyond.