Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand — Dota 2 skin on CS.MONEY Wiki
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  3. Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand


Appearance history

The rarity of Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand is Rare. At this moment the item is available for trade.

Skin Features

Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand is a skin for Riki. The skin was added to the game on October 11, 2013.

Skin popularity

Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand has been recently added to the game, which makes it rather popular with the game community.

Price chart

Relevant prices for Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand on CS.MONEY are listed below.

Included in set

Temper of the Highborn - Off-Hand is a part of a set
