Alchemist is a melee character. His main attribute is strength. The hero is mainly taken as a midlaner. Most effective in the mid game.
Alchemist is one of the richest heroes due to his Greevil's Greed ability. Acid Spray makes it easy for him to farm large groups of creeps as well as the ancients. Unstable Concoction is Alchemist's offensive ability, which is most often used for initiation or farming. Chemically Rage allows Alchemist to also act as a frontlaner ready to take on enemy initiation. The hero can pass the purchased Aghanim's Scepter to an ally (this is the only character in the game with such a mechanic). Aghanim's Shard grants him the Berserk Potion ability, which can be given an ally to make him more mobile and durable.
When adulthood came calling he pushed aside the family trade to try his hand at manufacturing gold. He failed spectacularly, quickly finding himself imprisoned. After encountering the giant ogre there, Razzil managed to escape. Now the pair set off to collect the materials needed to try their luck at gold mining again.