Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss — Dota 2 skin on CS.MONEY Wiki
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  1. Home/
  2. Outworld Destroyer/
  3. Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss


Appearance history

The rarity of Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss is Uncommon. At this moment the item is available for trade.

Skin Features

Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss is a skin for Outworld Destroyer. The skin was added to the game on Invalid Date, it was created by Vladimir >the implyer.

Skin popularity

Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss is currently one of the most popular skins, but it is rarely seen in the game due to its high price.

Price chart

Relevant prices for Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss on CS.MONEY are listed below.

Included in set

Thyrsus of the Inauspicious Abyss is a part of a set
