Undying is a melee character. His primary attribute is strength. The hero is mainly taken to the easy and hard lane as a support. Most effective in the early and mid game.
Undying's abilities make him a very dangerous opponent in the early game. The Decay ability allows him to fight several heroes even at the laning stage. Aghanim's Scepter upgrades this ability making the hero much stronger. Depending on the situation, the Soul Rip ability can save an ally or last hit an enemy. The character’s key ability is Tombstone, but if opponents ignore it, they will have to take the fight on unfavorable terms. Flesh Golem allows Undying to temporarily transform into a horrifying and durable monster capable of dealing significant damage, especially after purchasing Aghanim's Shard.
He remembers terror as he and his brothers were thrown into the yawning pit of the Dead God to hear the Dirge and be consumed into nothingness. His new name is Undying. His new goal is to rise and fall and rise again whenever his body failed him. To trudge on through death unending, that the Dirge might never end.